building an identity graph

How to build an identity graph?


The Essentials in Brief

Teavaro presents an innovative approach on how to build an identity graph and utilise it in real-time. In this guide, we’ll delve deeply into the process of building an identity graph and its significance for marketing.

Real-time identity graph: a crucial competitive advantage

The identity graph is a potent tool to comprehend customer behaviour and preferences, enabling businesses to create personalised marketing campaigns. With Teavaro, the concept of the customer identity graph in real-time becomes a reality, generating current and relevant data. 

Compared to competitors who depend on stale data and manual processes, Teavaro offers the advantage of consistently providing up-to-date information.

Customer control and added value

One of the hallmarks of Teavaro’s approach is that customers have full control over their customer identity graph, which Teavaro creates for them. This autonomy allows for the development of personalised marketing strategies, potentially leading to an increase in sales of up to 5%. Simultaneously, the Customer Lifetime Value and customer loyalty see a boost.

Real-time identity graph: how does it work?

Teavaro’s method of building an identity graph in real-time differentiates between a “First Party Identity Graph” and a “Third Party Identity Graph“. 

While the “Second Party Identity Graph” has its limitations, especially regarding the quality of data and third-party dependencies, the “First Party Identity Graph” ensures full control over data quality and privacy.

Creating the identity graph: how is it done?

The journey of learning how to build an identity graph necessitates a clear strategy. Initially, legal bases must be laid down, ensuring customer consent for data gathering. 

Typically, this process involves deploying cookie consent mechanisms, where customers explicitly give their approval for data collection tailored to their preferences.

Different types of identification

In the context of the identity graph, there are multiple identification types. For instance, “Self-Identification” involves activities like signing up for newsletters. 

Then there’s “Click-Identification”, where customers are recognised by clicking on email links or website elements. Furthermore, “Network Identification” via IP address is primarily for telecommunications entities.

How does the identity graph evolve?

The identity graph is constantly evolving. It often starts as a simple “Visitor” who has not yet been identified. Over time, the “Merging” of different pieces of information and identification points takes place to create a comprehensive profile. This profile is then supplemented with additional customer data from the CRM system.

From profile creation to activation

Profile creation is just the beginning. The activation of the profile is the next step where the gathered information is used to craft targeted marketing campaigns. Teavaro offers seamless integration of profile creation and activation to ensure the right messages are delivered to customers at the right time.

From activation to attribution

Finally, activation leads to attribution where marketing activities and touchpoints across different devices are tracked and linked together. This allows businesses to precisely measure and optimise the success of their marketing campaigns.

Teavaro: your partner for real-time identity graph

When pondering over how to build an identity graph in real-time, Teavaro emerges as the go-to solution.
Through the integration of various identification methods, ongoing data updates, and the seamless connection of profile creation, activation, and attribution, Teavaro provides a comprehensive platform to optimise your marketing strategies and boost the success of your campaigns.
Arrange a conversation today to find out how Teavaro can help you leverage your real-time identity graph and take your marketing to the next level.

Our mission is to truly connect people, brands and media

We believe a true connection is built on explicit consent and grows over time as it offers unique value to all. The resulting relationships will be the foundation for scalable people-based marketing by tailoring content and interactions to individual people, not segments. This makes two-way communication possible.

About the author:

Dirk Rohweder

COO & Co-Founder

Dirk has over 30 years of experience in management positions in IT, telecommunications, consumer goods and consulting, including as CIO of the Paulaner Brewery Group and T-Mobile (UK and Germany).

Since 2012 he has focused on customer data as a strategic asset and basis for omnichannel marketing, data-driven business models, data protection and marketing consent (GDPR).

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Our mission is to truly connect people, brands and medias

We believe that a true connection is built on explicit consent and grows over time as it provides unique value to all parties involved.